Do you sometimes work outside to record information with a spatial dependency? Then you should get to know “FeldApp”!

FeldApp - The digital field book for outdoor professionals

Collecting and recording data in the field is part of our daily work. Just like the visualisation of spatial and temporal dependencies. To make our workflows easier and more efficient and error-proof, we have developed FeldApp.  

Our geologists, geotechnicians and engineers have been using the digital field book for their field work for over three years. In the construction project involving the new cableway (V-Bahn) in Grindelwald, data is even being recorded exclusively with FeldApp for the first time. This ensures that the numerous stakeholders are always kept up to date and that diverse data types can be called up at any time on a common platform

Thanks to standardised entry forms and automated processing, high quality data is immediately available. The result: more professional work processes, easier data exchange and optimal comparability.

FeldApp – like various other GEOTEST tools – is now also available to you. Do you want to keep an overview of your project at all times? Or do you need your field data for writing reports, producing photographic documentation or as a basis for discussion in a team? Then contact us for a non-binding consultation.


Find out more about FeldApp at:

By the way: last week Feldapp even received an award. At the Best of Swiss Web Award, FeldApp won silver in the "productivity" category.