The new southwest bypass, which will alleviate traffic in the village centre of Sins in the future, includes an approximately 1-km-long cut-and-cover tunnel, a bridge and two turbo roundabouts. GEOTEST Ltd is supporting the master planner in the fields of geology and geotechnics.

Southwest bypass Sins

A new southwest bypass of the cantonal road is being designed to alleviate the village centre of the Aargau municipality of Sins from heavy through traffic. The bypass, commissioned by the canton of Aargau, will include a 912-m-long cut-and-cover tunnel and a 67-m-long bridge over the Bachtal valley. The bypass will be connected to Aarauerstrasse and Luzernerstrasse in the south and north by two large roundabouts (turbo roundabouts).

The tunnel will be constructed as a cut-and-cover tunnel. It will be secured with a conventional nail wall  with a height of up to 13 m. Monitoring will be performed with automatic geomonitoring and periodic inclinometer measurements.

As a subplanner, GEOTEST Zurich is responsible for geology and geotechnics.

The latter will be carried out by GEOTEST’s measurement technology department on behalf of the canton.

As a subplanner, GEOTEST Zürich is responsible for geology and geotechnics. During construction, it continuously surveys the complex geology, displays it in profiles and assesses it. Together with the engineers and the construction manager, GEOTEST Zürich uses this information to continuously review the concept for securing the excavation pit and foundation and to draft optimisation recommendations accordingly. Participation in various meetings with the canton and the construction manager are therefore also fundamental elements of the contract.

Southwest bypass Sins


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